Saturday, April 16, 2016

Opening Day for Trails


My name is Jerry, and I live in the Pacific Northwest.  I recently decided that I would like to start experiencing more of the outdoors that is presented along the many existing Rail Trails in my area, and to share those experiences by blogging about them.

A Rail Trail is a multi-use path converted from an abandoned railway.  They tend to be long and flat, and as such, provide relatively easy access to extraordinary landscapes and scenery that are both beautiful and historical.

My hope is that over time, as I document my experiences, I can provide helpful information and encouragement to any and all who would like to try it out.

Today was Opening Day for Trails (as designated by the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, an excellent source for all that is Rail Trailing).  I decided to make it my opening day as well, by posting my first blog.  So I did my part, and kept my pledge, by breaking out my bicycle, pumping up the tires, and heading for a nearby trail.

I live near the start of the Children of the Sun Trail, which admittedly is not a Rail Trail, but was the next best thing on short notice.  Below are a few pictures, with commentary.  And here's a trace of my route.

The entrance is on the northeast corner of N Division Street and Farwell Road.  A location link is at the bottom of this posting.

The trail entrance, heading north.

The Adopt-a-Trail marker.

As you can see, it is more of a Highway Trail than a Rail Trail, but I believe that at its completion, it will join the Spokane Centennial Trail downtown, which is a Rail Trail.

Another lovely view  ;-)

At least they make an effort to beautify the retaining wall along the way.

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